Media Extension  Discussion

There are four main types of media that make up the elaborate sequence. On September fourth we discussed not only these types, but how they affect our consumption of mass communication. Hot/Cold, Information/Entertainment, Content/Distribution, and Elitist/Populist all interact with one another. What I gathered from the class discussion was mainly that hot media requires attention, and cold media requires no real focus/attention at all.  But something that is hot media could also be entertainment media, which could also be populist media, while also being content media. It's like a huge, endless circle of labels and categorizations. 
However, even through the class discussion and explanations, I felt we lingered a bit too long on the Hot/Cold conversation. It wasn't neccesarily overkill, but I'm not as comfortable with the other topics at hand. Off the top of my head, the only definition for any of the four types registers as no attention/ full attention. I wish we had gone further in depth about the Content/Distribution method. We also spent some brief time on the the Elitist/Populist topic, and were provided some great examples of each, but I still yearn for a more enriching discussion. Our class as a whole asks so many questions; and while it can prove beneficial, it can also derail a relevant matter and steer us greatly off topic. Mr.Miller provided an amazing lecture, with engaging  explanations and examples, but I feel as if the majority of time was consumed by the Hot/Cold method, one of the less complex concepts to grasp. 
Questions are a great thing, and should be encouraged for deeper understanding and knowledge. But there comes a point where the class needs to let go of a subject and allow the teacher to move on, as to not re- explain the same detail three times over. During the class, it was as if the train was only able to reach its first destination, and than remained trapped.  We just need to learn as a class to stay on topic a bit more, and understand when we've stretched a discussion far enough


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