What Movies Mean 

Just how music and printing have interlaced and gradually evolved throughout the years, so has the intriguing world of photography.  From dioramas all the way up to the movie theaters of today, we have shown much progression having started from only the silent, colorless picture world. Who would even think to come up with such ideas for moving photos? Our society thrives off of curiosity and competition, two things that mix well and continue our technological advancement. So learning about the expansion of the movie industry? It all fits right in.

We make movies for our music and music for our movies. Sometimes we even make books for our music that have been made into movies, which can propel into making more music based on these things. When Mr.Miller introduced the topic of 'The Rise and Fall of The Movie Industry', this was my first thought. Movies have integrated into becoming part of our new age culture, like it or not. Most everything has a movie either based on or directly about it. There are millions of movies out there, produced in hundreds of different languages and topics. This is part of a cultural triangle that practically the entire globe shares. Movies, music, and printed works; things that our today societies could not function without.

Since our more recent cultural shift towards movies, we've witnessed a fast progressive of movie theater use and disuse. As explained in Journalism One class, ticket sales skyrocketed in 1946 and have slowly declined ever since, primarily due to television and now streaming services. However this was a needed impact on the movie industry, to bring forth demassification and bring us the movie genres and blockbusters we love today. So really, we should thank technology advancements for higher quality content. If you really think about it, the majority of the world's greatest things come out of competition. Vision Apple vs Microsoft for an example.

Of course people still go to the movies, for a variety of reasons. But the movie world has far extended beyond movie theaters. Now we observe as television show originals have grown to have movie theaters budgets, and stretch to hour long episodes, with multiple episodes and seasons.  This is great for entertainment purposes, but could there be something sinister lying beneath?

As humans, we often try to constantly outdo ourselves, and strive towards perfection. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but our society has heightened the sense of unrealistic expectations and set the bar so high. A major way this has been done is through movies. Just like music, movies have been altered and edited to absolute perfection. We can acknowledge that there are documentaries or certain films that don't apply, however the majority of mainstream ones do.  Through movies, we are being fed ideals of how we should look, dress, or be. Actors play out the perfect line in the perfect situation,  and give us a false sense of how the world works. Not only do movies enforce the  perfection propaganda, but it also forces a different type of propaganda as well, if not on a lower level. Films can carry certain themes, or background messages that we don't collectively understand at first, or maybe never consciously do at all. But as humans, what we consume can affect us on an unconscious level as well. So if for say silent political or societal messages are being slipped into blockbusters, we may never notice, but react the way we are told.

Expansion of the movie industry has brought a great deal of knowledge to civilization, and given us entertainment purposes as well. They are a way to stay culturally relevant and connect globally. However  the increasing amount of control they can have over our  lives is a bit concerning, and something you never appear to be able to escape from. 


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