WRDB Gives Decent Coverage This Time

WDRB is a local news source that many Louisville citizens follow, in an attempt to take on the hot mess that is our city. It's interesting to see the variety in how each local network operates. From the first day of our TV news monitoring - October 15, to be precise- I've gathered the feel of WDRB's setup and coverage ways. I have to say I'm quite disappointed on some occasions. This is because WDRB occasionally lacks the quality journalism needed for the local area, and tends to have poor coverage -if not even sloppy coverage- of certain stories. They also spend the majority of their thirty minute news blocks on either weather or ads. I understand needing funding, but this is ridiculous. A third of your show shouldn't be ads, or repetitive story blips. The public doesn't want teasers, they want the story. 
An example of WDRB having poor news coverage was on October 15, 2018. The lead story for the six o' clock news was a complete bust. There stood a female reporter, standing in front of some police cars and apartment buildings in Newburg. She reported that the police showed up at the apartment buildings, but they hadn't spoken to law enforcement yet. They claimed it was a suspected 'shooting', except that there were no ambulances, there was little commotion, and WDRB had next to no details. The tagline read "Suspected Shooting in Newburg. Yet here this poor reporter was, dragging on the same sentences of, "We don't really know," and , "We're not really sure," for about five minutes. This conflicts with every rule in journalism- simply by the fact of not having a story to really even report on. This was such an insignificance, that you can't even find mention of the story anywhere on their website.
Even through all of this, on October 21, WDRB had a redeeming story, with an excellent followup. The story of "Two teens killed and two more injured in Hardin county police chase", had the perfect coverage that we all look for. It was a story chock full of details, that informed the viewer, gave us an official source and spokesperson, provided photos, and told us why we should care. It was an unfortunate tragedy that WDRB turned into an opportunity,  showing citizens that we should be more aware in our community. To this I applaud WDRB, for applying decent journalism skills and giving the public an informative afternoon. Not only this, but WDRB also followed up on the story as promised. http://www.wdrb.com/story/39326344/names-released-for-2-teens-killed-in-crash-during-police-pursuit-in-hardin-county


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